Daddy's home, and he's making a comeback with improved tokenomics. Simply hold $DADDYCAKE tokens in your wallet and you'll earn CAKE (a whole lot more than what his baby's offering you.)

Presale On DX Sale
Launch dashboard

Big vision. Big Bags.

8% Redistribution In CAKE

8% of every buy/sell is taken and redistributed to all holders. Hold $DaddyCake tokens, earn CAKE. Minimum 100,000 tokens

Auto Paid Every 60 Minutes

For the first time ever, you don’t need to claim your earned CAKE. It’s automatically sent to your wallet every 60 minutes. Note: in periods of lower volume this may take longer, but you always get your CAKE.

3% Auto Liquidity

3% of every transaction is transformed into liquidity for Pancakeswap. It’s automatic and helps create a price floor (stability).

1% Sell Fee

Extra 1% fee is applied to all sells. This will allow us to reduce swing-trading and break whales’ control.

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Secured By Design

Initial Liquidity Provided will be locked with DXLock for 1 year. Max sells are limited to 0.15% of supply to avoid dumps.

Massive Marketing Plan

4% of every transaction is allocated to Marketing in CAKE (swapped to CAKE in real time to avoid dumps). So we can fuel the most ambitious projects and reward our active community.



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While you're holding $DADDYCAKE tokens, you're earning CAKE. You can keep track of how much you earned so far and when is the next payout from your dashboard. Everything is updated real-time.


Daddy's Roadmap

Phase 1
Website Launch

Whitepaper Release

Influencer Marketing

Poocoin Ads

Presale on DX Sale

Listing on Coingecko

Listing on Coinmarketcap

10K Telegram Members

Phase 2
BTOK Ads Launch

Certik Audit

Youtube,Twitter, & Tiktok Influencers

Daddy Cake Dashboard (reflections tracker)

25K Telegram members

Phase 3

DaddyCake Merch Shop

DaddyCake NFT Platform

Daddy Cake Times Square Billboards

Community Rewards

50K Telegram members


Official Contract:
read whitepaper
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have a suggestion?

How to buy

Download & setup MetaMask or TrustWallet

Download MetaMask (a crypto wallet in form of a browser extension) or TrustWallet (an app for your phone). After that you will have to add the Binance Smart Chain to your network-list. (Click here for a step-by-step tutorial)

Buy and send BNB to MetaMask

Buy BNB on an exchange (i.e. Binance, Kraken, Coinbase etc.). Transfer the tokens to your MetaMask wallet address. BEP-20 addresses start with a "0x"

Head on to PancakeSwap and swap for $DADDYCAKE

Head on to PancakeSwap and swap for $DADDYCAKE Click here to head on over to PancakeSwap or use this address 0x14b301e7d1f841555d1c5a0f09a8ed352820b972 to select DADDYCAKE. Set the slippage tolerance to 15% (sometimes it may be 18%, depending on how much demand there is)


Swap BNB for DADDYCAKE. Now you need to add DADDYCAKE to your MetaMask or Trust Wallet to view your $DADDYCAKE. Lastly HODL!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DADDYCAKE Token?

Daddy Cake is the father of the Baby Cake reflection token. Simply hold $DaddyCake tokens and get rewa rded in CAKE on every transaction! With the auto-claim feature, you’ll receive CAKE automatically in your wallet every 60 minutes. Check out DaddyCake's tokenomics and see why he's cooler than his baby.

Will my rewards always be paid hourly?

Our unique reward system is triggered by volume (buy + sell activity to cover gas fees). Payouts to holders may not occur every hour if trading volume is low. When this is the case, the amount of rewarded CAKE each holder will receive does not decrease. However, will accrue over a longer period of time until it is suitable for a payout to trigger (usually a few hours).

Is there a minimum amount of $DADDYCAKE tokens needed?

At this stage, there is no minimum of $DADDYCAKE tokens needed by each holder. But if you want to benefit from the CAKE reward distribution you will have to hold at least 100,000 $DADDYCAKE tokens.

How can I contact the team?

The best way to contact the team is through our Telegram. We are always available to help you!

Our Community

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